Kiwis have always been keen on staying in touch with their Scottish roots - over half of us can lay claim to some Scottish ancestry - so, if you haven't already, there are plenty of ways for you to connect with your Scottish heritage!
New Zealand has a large number of Scottish cultural groups and organisations located in virtually every corner of the country. This includes Clan Associations, Caledonian Societies, and Scottish Societies, as well as other groups focused on a specific cultural art, such as pipe bands and dancing groups.
Clan Associations provide a platform for the celebration and education of a specific clan, so if you're interested in exploring and understanding your clan's heritage, then contacting or getting involved with a Clan Association would be a great place to start.
Caledonian Societies and Scottish Societies are involved in the organisation and running of cultural events, such as celebrations for Robbie Burns Day and St Andrews Day. Many Societies are also involved in organising and the running of Highland Games through the summer, and some have close associations with dance groups and pipe bands in their local area.
If you would like more information about these types of groups - including information on what organisations and groups exist in New Zealand and their contact details - head to the Combined Council of Scottish Societies website at and stay on the look out cultural events that are happening in your area, particularly as we head into the warmer months!
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