It is essential that you measure correctly for you kilt to fit perfectly so here is some help with Measuring Kilts
General suggestions for measuring;
- If you can get someone to measure you. This keeps measurements more true and accurate.
- Measure at least twice or until you are satisfied it’s correct.
- Stand upright in a relaxed manner – don’t bend over.
A) Waist Measurement
Measure around waist at navel height. Take measurement firmly, so that kilt may sit comfortably without falling down.
B) Seat Measurement
Measure loosely around seat at widest point.
C) Kilt Length/Full Height
Kneel down with your chin up and knees 2-3" apart; Measure from navel to the floor. This should result in the kilt resting on the tops of the knees.
D) Full height also required without shoes on.